World War Profiles: Second world war United States

  John Williams

(i) TIME & PLACE: United States (California),  1939  

(ii) BIRTHDATE:  17 / November / 1919

(iii) PROFESSION: Student

(iv) FAVOURITE FOODS AND ACTIVITIES: My favorite food are the hamburger and hot dog. I like playing Football and other sports.

(v) FAMILY: My family is small (2 siblings)

(vi) MY REGULAR DAILY LIFE (before the World War was declared):  My life is really peaceful, I do not get in trouble most of the time and focus on school. I have a healthy lifestyle and usually practice sports.

(vii) PERSONAL REASON FOR ENLISTING IN THE WORLD WAR CONFLICT ONCE IT STARTS: I think that we have to get involved in the conflict, because I think that the things that axis powers are doing are incorrect. So it is better to stop them before the conflict increases.

(ix) NATIONAL REASON FOR ENLISTING IN THE WORLD WAR CONFLICT ONCE IT STARTS: Countries are being invaded and that is against the ideas of the United States. Also it would break the balance of power between the nations.

(viii) YOUR WORLD WAR ROLE: I am going as a medic, because I think it is the place in which I can help more people, saving them instead of provoking more violence. Also because I think I am better doing this than attacking the enemy as a soldier.

